It's ok, we are all more than a little strange here.

Date Night

We decided over the weekend to take the kids out on a “date”. Riley and I went to Steak n Shake and Piper and Larry went to her favorite Chinese place. In true diva fashion she even got her daddy to wear a tie. Something he’s never done on a date with me by the way. Piper was so excited all day she was close to exploding. Riley was pretty much just focused on which milk shake he was going to have.

We rocked out to Pink on the way there and he loudly declared to the entire place after being seated “Drinks on the roof!” We talked (well he talked) about cartoon characters and his latest YouTube obsessions. Then the food came and I swear I heard crickets. He won’t eat many foods, and lately hasn’t been eating much of the few he will eat. But the boy doesn’t mess around when it comes to food, there is no dinner conversation. Well I should say there is no talking to anyone else. If the meal isn’t super good he will script through out, but if he’s really enjoying his food he gets into a zone. It’s as if he becomes one with his food. I normally will try and engage him but decided to just let him do his thing.

So we ate in silence except for a few reminders from me to chew with his mouth closed. It was peaceful but sort of sad in a way. I kept finding myself looking over at a table of a dad and his four kids. They were all laughing and talking together and I can’t help myself but to want that. Sure when we are all together we talk. But I so want him to join in that conversation. As I was sitting there deep in thought I noticed that my kid who never makes eye contact and has trouble reading facial expressions was looking at me while happily munching away. Then he asked “Are you ok MeMaw?” I told him I was and he put his attention back on his shake. It made me realize again that while he doesn’t often have a lot to say he never misses what is going on.

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